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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 1

Autor:Brown, Donald
Naslov:A Pynchon for the nineties (Hanjo Berressem:"Pynchon's poetics:interfacing theory and text"; John Dugdale:"Thomas Pynchon: Allusive parables of power"; Geoffrey Green, Donald J. Greiner and Larry McCaffery, eds., "The Vineland papers: Critical takes on Pynchon's novel"; Alec McHoul and David Wills:"Writing Pynchon: Strategies in fictional analysis"; Deborah L. Madsen: "The postmodernist allegories of Thomas Pynchon"; Patrick O'Donnell, ed. "New essays on "The crying of Lot 49")
Matična publikacija:Poetics today. - 1997, no. 1; pg. 95-112
Ključne riječi:Pynchon T. * Berressem, Hanno -- Pynchon's poetics * Dugdale, John -- Thomas Pynchon * Green, Geoffrey -- The Vineland papers * Greiner, Donald J. -- The Vineland papers * MacCaffery, Larry -- The Vineland papers * MacHoul, Alec -- Writing Pynchon * Wills, David -- Writing Pynchon * Madsen, Deborah L. -- The postmodernist allegories of Thomas Pynchon * O'Donnell P.
UDK:821.111(73).09 Pynchon T.
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Upit: UncontrolledTerms_swish=(O'Donnell P. )
